2022-09-15 Video
compilations for 40th Reunion.
(This is a test to see if I can share the
video compilations used for the official BHS Class of 72 Reunions in 2012 and
Hour One (please note, this was for set-up time, not the reunion
itself, kind of a brief highly abbreviated history of music).
video/40th Reunion video compilations/2012_40th_Hr_1.wmv
Hour Two:
video/40th Reunion video compilations/2012_40th_Hr-2.wmv
Hour Three:
video/40th Reunion video compilations/2012_40th_Hr-3.wmv
Hour Four:
video/40th Reunion video compilations/2012_40th_Hr-4.wmv
Hour Five:
video/40th Reunion video compilations/2012_40th_Hr-5.wmv
This is an older test to see if I could reasonably easily upload a very large
video file to a webpage to which I can share a link. (Note: this page may take
forever to load, and the video(s) may take 2x forever to load; we'll see!)
2021-07-25 JG Video w John
Sinclair from Dec 10, 2020 (for New Year's Eve broadcast).